Access to Student Accounts
Student Status
Depending on your status as a student, access to certain accounts may be limited.
If you have completed your application, but have not yet been accepted to become a student of Loyola University New Orleans, no accounts have been created for you.
If you have been accepted and have not made a deposit, a Microsoft account will be created so that you can access LORA Self-Service. The email/username you will receive is for authentication purposes only. At this point, no Gmail or SSO account has been issued.
Once you have made your deposit, accounts are created for Gmail and Single Sign-On (SS0). You will continue to have access to LORA Self-Service with the Microsoft account that was created when you were admitted. Note: It can take up to 72 business hours for your account to be created after you deposit.
Main Accounts
Students have two main accounts. A Gmail account (email) and a Microsoft Account. Below are the default passwords to both accounts.
New Students
The default password is the first letter of your first name, the first letter of your last name, your birth date followed by an uppercase LU. (flmmddyyyyLU) Ex. Jane Doe born January 01, 2001 would have a default password of jd01012001LU.
Access your Gmail Account
Do this first!
The first thing you should do is access your Gmail account.
Access your Microsoft Account
Do this second!
The second thing you should do is log into your Microsoft account.
Access your Single Sign-On (SSO) account
Do this last!
The SSO is Loyola's application portal. Your SSO credentials are the Microsoft Credentials you setup in Step 2.
Microsoft Credentials
New students are required to change their Microsoft password the first time they log in to This is why it is important for all new students to go to and reset their password before going to the SSO.
The Microsoft account credentials will be the username and password for the following systems. Whenever the password changes at, it will automatically change on all of these systems.
- Single Sign-On (SSO) - Loyola's application portal
- Loyola wifi
- Papercut (printing in the library)
- (lab application portal)
- Wolf Deck