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How do I avoid phishing attempts and threats?

Phishing attempts have become a daily threat. Basic tips on avoiding these threats are in the link below.

Avoiding phishing attempts

Where can I get Antivirus software for my personal computer?

The university is licensed to install Carbon Black Antivirus on all Loyola-owned computers. Information Technology installs this for you upon the initial setup of your computer. You can verify it is running on your computer by checking if the Carbon Black icon in your system tray in the lower right corner of your windows computer or on the upper right side of the menu bar of your Apple computer.

Carbon Black icon

The Carbon Black license does not cover personal or student computers. Please secure your computer by installing an antivirus program before bringing it to campus. The following programs have free versions for consumers.


This program will cover Apple, android, and IOs devices.


This program can be installed on Windows or Apple/Mac computers. The home version is free to consumers only. This program can be installed on Windows or Apple/Mac computers. The home version is free to consumers only.


AVG will cover Windows or Apple/Mac computers. It is free but can be upgraded to a paid version.

What do I do if my Carbon Black icon has a red "x" on my Mac?

The red "X" icon means that the Carbon Black antivirus program is offline.  This is mainly caused by an update that needs to be "allowed" in order for the newer version to be installed.  Unfortunately, the program will get stuck in the offline mode while it waits for the user to allow the upgrade.   This needs to be resolved as soon as possible in order to assure protection of your device.


Carbon Black Offline (Red "X")





1. Open System Preferences.  Go to Security and Privacy.  Select the General tab.


3. You will need to unlock the System Preferences window to make changes.


Unlock system preferences






4. At the bottom of the General tab, you may see a statement asking you to allow VMware CBCloud.  Click "Allow".  If more that one program is waiting to be approved, you may see a "Details" button.  Click "Details" then allow Carbon Black. 


Allow Carbon Black Extension





5. If the red "X" does not disappear, then restart your computer.  If the red "X" still exist after restart, then within System Preferences, go to Security and Privacy.  Under the Privacy tab, on the left side, select "Full Disk Access".  


Full disk access















6. Leaving the System Prefernces Window open, open finder.  Go to applications.  Scroll down to VMware Carbon Black and open the folder.



Carbon Black in finder













7. Select the following files from the Vmware Carbon Black Cloud folder and drag them to the list on the right in the System Preference window.  It is ok if they do not appear in the list afterwards.  Just drag and drop. Again you may not see these items on the target list after you drop them.  That is normal.

LiveQuery bundle

repmgr bundle

unistall bundle

VMware CBCloud (with blue icon)


8. Restart the Mac.  If there is still a red "x" on the CB icon, please email

REMEMBER:  Restart your Mac at least once a week!



How do I allow the Carbon Black extension to load.

If the Carbon Black icon at the top right corner of your Mac screen has a red "X" on top of it, it is possible that the CB extension failed to load.  To fix this, do the following.

1. Open System Preferences

2. Navigate to Privacy and Security

3. On the right side of the window, see if there is a message stating that vmware Carbon Block has been blocked.  If this is the case, please allow it by clicking "Allow".

4. Then  within the Privacy and Security preferences scroll to see Full Disk Access. Click on it.

5. Look for the com.vmware carbon black cloud extension and turn it on.



If this does not resolve the issue, email