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Printing on Campus

Loyola University has provided 3 printers on campus that you can use to print from your laptop, mobile device or flash drive.  The printers are interfaced with a system called PaperCut. 

Your username for PaperCut is everything before the @ symbol of your Loyola email address.  Your password is your Active Directory / Microsoft Password.  

Note: If you have already changed your Microsoft password from the default, please use your current password.   If you forgot your password or need to reset your it please go to

The printers are located in the following locations. There is no charge for printing to these printers.

1. The 1st floor of the Monroe Library 120 (near the lab computers and the old print room)
2. The 1st floor of the Monroe Library 136 (near the I.T. lab located in the wing of the building that opens near the circle.)
3. The 2nd floor of Monroe Hall 

Click here for instructions for setting up your laptop or mobile device to print to these printers. Instructions are provided for Android, iphone, and Windows and Mac laptops.  After clicking the link, please scroll down to the instuctions you need.  

Click here for instructions on printing from a usb drive.

Each printer has a card swipe device.  Upon your first visit to one of these printers, you will need to register your Loyola I.D.  Click here for detailed instructions on how to register your card and release your print jobs.  During subsequent visits, you will be able to swipe your card and immediately release the print job from your queue. If you do not have your Loyola I.D. with you, you will need to use the on screen login.

If you need assitance please see library staff or use your Loyola email account to email