LORA Self-Service
How do I reset my LORA Self Service password?
To reset your LORA Self Service password,
Go to office.com. Your Loyola Microsoft account credentials control the access to LORA Self Service.
When signing in, click on "Forgot Password".
Follow the online prompts that Microsoft provides.
If you set up account recovery at office.com, you will be stepped though changing your password.
The password requirements are:
1. It must be at least 8 characters long (It can be a phrase.)
2. It must contain at least one upper case and one lower case letter.
3. It must contain at least one number.
4. It cannot contain part of your name or email address.
5. It cannot be a password that you already used for your Loyola Microsoft account.
NOTE: Changing your password at Office.com will automatically change your password on the following systems.
Single Sign On (SSO)
LORA Self Service
Medicat Health Portal
LoynoSecure Wifi
Papercut Printing
Faculty and Staff: All of the above and the following:
fs1 file server (formerly known as eShare)