Your Loyola Microsoft account
NOTE: Your Loyola Microsoft account credentials are used to authenticate to all of the systems listed below. Changing or resetting your password in Microsoft ( will automatically change your password in all of these systems.
When logging into one of the following systems, use your Loyola Microsoft account credentials. Click here to learn how to sign in.
Microsoft 365
All of Loyola University faculty, staff and students can install Microsoft 365 on their personally owned devices, free of charge. This free service is automatically cancelled when you depart the university. Any data kept on Microsoft's One Drive will be lost when the account is deleted. If you change your password in, it will change on all systems using the Microsoft credentials.
Single Sign On (SSO) Starting on June 1, 2022 any change to your Microsoft password will automatically change your SSO password to be the same.
Loyola's application portal
Lora Self Service
LORA Self Service is the portal where students can register for classes, get their grades.
Papercut printing on campus (Students)
The Microsoft credentials will give you access to print to the campus printers located across campus.
Medicat is a secure way of reporting medical information, such as vaccination status to the university.
LoynoSecure wifi
LoynoSecure is Loyola password protected wifi service.
Virtual Lab
Vlab gives you access to software installed in our labs that you can use from anywhere.
Faculty and Staff only
All of the above
Loyola's file server
Know Be 4
Loyola's partner in cybersecurity training.
Sharp Printers and Copiers
Papercut printing and copying devices
How to login
*Your username is your full Loyola email address. (students) or (faculty and staff)
**Your password is your Microsoft password. If you have changed your Microsoft password, use what you changed it to to access the systems listed above.
If you have not yet changed your Microsoft password, the default password
New studetns, faculty and staff default password -the first letter of your first name, the first letter of your last name, your birthdate, followed by uppercase LU. ex. flmmddyyyyLU . You must go to to setup your account, before going to the SSO. Microsoft will force a password change and this will automatically change your password to the SSO as well. Once completely signed in, you can then access the systems listed above.
Returning students,faculty and staff default password - the first two letters of your first name, the last 4 digits of your social security number, followed by an uppercase LU. ex. abXXXXLU
If you need assistance, use your Loyola email address and email or call 504-865-2255.